Thursday, March 16, 2006

One mans opinion

I believe in the "Way" and the "Code" of each warrior or those who call themselves "Warriors"

I believe in Respect and Giri (Obligation) to my Sensei as well as all Senseis, Masters , GrandMasters..for they truely earned the right and were the ones who came before.

I believe in Humility, and Valor. Honor and Chivalry. Courtesy and Compassion. Hard and Soft.
Yin and Yang.
I believe in the spirit and the mind as well as the body acting in conjunction for the betterment and improvement of the person.
I believe in learning and sharing.
I believe in Me.
I believe in You.

I believe that Might does not make Right, but that Right makes Might.
I believe each child is our future, President, Movie Star, and drug addict.

I believe in Control and Patience
I believe in striking Only when I intend to Kill..not beat up
I believe in striking when my loved ones are attacked and not over material things.
Material things have a value that may never be replaced..I understand, but I can go on without them. I cannot go on without my loved ones.
You are part of my loved "ones"

I believe in laughter and dreams to chase sadness and no hope.
I believe we can do better because we are the dojo that could.

So in my humble opinion

I believe practice may not make perfect, but in the practicing of trying to become perfect, practice makes better.

Practice until it is a part of you
Practice until it is instinctive
Practice until you don't think, but do.

Sensei Lenchus illustrating with pictures of MY Sensei Kenjiro Kawanabe of Atsugi, Japan


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