Monday, February 27, 2006

Never Mistake Kindness for Weakness

Sensei Lenchus in the Bad old days, would carry a business card, and bandades in his wallet.

Whenever he was approached by a wise guy, he would knock them out, and leave his card "Compliments of the Legend" and a bandade.

He still carries bandades

He also wore a shoulder holster with a 357 Magnum in a special fast draw upside down holster with a trigger that was super sensitive, and it all fit into special tailored coats and suits.

In his pockets he carried silver bullets which he would leave for waitresses and bartenders as a tip,
but he never pulled the gun.
He never needed it.
He only wore it to do bodyguard work for certain dignitaries along with Marty Lane, and Alex "Plus One" Sternberg.

Once two tough thugs twice his size approached him in his school on Surf Avenue and Coney Island Avenue above the Bank (1961) and the "Leader" asked
"What is this Karachi shit"?
Lenchus without hesitation knocked him out cold and told his friend,
"When he wakes up, tell him that was Karachi"

Lenchus always said "Without YOU, there is no Me"

If you remember Lenchus stories you would like to share, please send them in, and if you want, you can remain anonoymous


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