Wednesday, September 13, 2006


A day we will always remember, and one we must not ever forget.

The principles of freedom and culture was attacked by ignorance, jealousy and fear, from a world that knows no other way but living under primative, barbaric constraints, and in the past.

No American went purposly after anothers race or ethnic beliefs because you are a Muslim, Arab, Sunni, Kurd, Shitte, or whatever choice you made.

No one intended to change your way of life or push the modern world of IPODS and computers down your throat.

No one said throw off the burkas of your women, and dress and act like Paris Hilton (God forbid).

Your land is your land, and your way of life is just as beautiful, and unique as China, Russia, Japan, Greece, or America

Your music, art, and culture is special, and Allah is GOD in many languages which we all respect

If your people wished for change, they would have risen up and spoken out unless their fear of reprisal was too great.

But then again, as far as I know, there was no one asking us to come over and institute a new government or way of life.

It was threats that begain this, like children in a school yard harrassing a kid who is different. Small threats that lead to anger and reprisal

It was One very rich and controlling man who convinced poor, hungry people with Nothing, to commit sucide against an "enemy" that they never got to know.

Had they visited us and found us to be fun and warm people who, with many races get along, they would have not gone back. or at least taken back great memories to their homeland.

We have Muslims here.
Lots of them.

They are really great good people who fashion themselves in there heritage, and never bomb schools or businesses.

They dress in their cultural ways as orthodox Jews do or Greeks and Indians do.

There is nothing wrong with that.

I stare at kids with blue and green hair, and pierced nose and lip rings, but it is not my business to comment or try to change them.

If I do, then I am giving them the attension they are looking for, and they win.

He who angers you, controls you.

So, somehow we angered someone who sent over people who thought they were doing Gods will by destroying the infidel,- America.

They hit our Twin Towers and killed innocent hard working people who wanted the American dream.

But they didn't kill America, or the dream.

They only pissed us off.

And we retaliated.

We didn't drop an atom bomb, and we did inform civilians before hand to get out of the way..but they became shields for cowards,
and we looked like the bad guys.

Once there were no rules of the Art of War.

We are trying to act humane.
They are not.
You cannot kill someone who is already dead or whose wish it is to die.

The people in the towers did not wish to die.
They had no anger or anamosity with those who attacked.
They did not hate them.
Their minds were on work, family, and home for dinner or a ball game on TV.

You broke the buildings that day, and you broke our hearts.
Buildings can be repaired.
Not so with broken hearts.
Not easily.

But 9-11 stands a symbol of a proud and strong people of many cultures who say I am an American and I am Free.

Your temper tantrums and acts of violence only brought us closer together and made us stronger like an open hand closing into a fist that strikes back

God bless all mankind
God bless all countries and
God bless America



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