Monday, August 27, 2007

Seminar with Patrick McCarthy: Translator of the "Bubishi, the Bible of Karate"

On Saturday-August 25, 2007, students of the "Little Dojo that could" and students from the LI-IKC Dojo in Oceanside had the opportunity to be a part of an all day seminar with Patrick McCarthy, Hanshi, 8th Dan.
"Karate historian and authority-Patrick McCarthy spent over 10 years researching and studying the Bubishi and the arts associated with it." The seminar addressed the history, concepts and philosophy on Okinawan and Chinese history, as well as fighting and healing traditions that developed in those countries. Special emphasis was also placed on the "29 Escape Practices" & "48-Posture Practices". Overall it was a great seminar as evidenced by the photos posted below. -Enjoy!

Hanshi McCarthy and Shihan Varon examine a fan written with a poem by O'Sensei Gichin Funakoshi.

(gift to Shihan Varon from Master Kenjiro Kawanabe)

Hanshi McCarthy showing Sensei Leonsky a pressure point.

Uchi Deshi Lisa applying lessons learned on Sensei Mike Calandra

Hanshi McCarthy shows Stephanie the finer points of a choke.

Stephanie learns the finer points of choking her friend-Jennifer under the watchful eye of Hanshi McCarthy.

D'Anna practising with Sensei Leonsky

Front row left to right: D'Anna, Jennifer and Steph.
Back row left to right: Sensei Leonsky, Hanshi McCarthy, Uchi-Deshi Lisa & Shihan Varon

Hanshi Nick Adler & Hanshi Patrick McCarthy.

The "Kill Bill" girlsSpecial thanks to the Seishinkan/Okinawan Isshin-Ryu Karate Dojo and Sensei Calandra for hosting the event.

Thank-You all for a great time!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Goodbye to a World Kata Champion

Uchi-Deshi Lisa Benfanti with Sensei Michael Hanna

Sensei Steve Leonsky, Sensei Michael Hanna, Sempai Brian Jacobs
Sensei Hanna and Shihan Varon
The Champ working out with his protoge-Sempai Brian Jacobs
Practice, practice.
They shall not pass!

Shihan Varon, Sensei Leonsky, Sempai Brian Jacobs, Sensei Michael Hanna

The "Little Dojo That Can" said goodbye to 2000 World Kata Champion-Sensei Michael Hanna as he returns to his native country of Egypt. His passion and dedication was evident in his stellar performance of Unsu.

Private lessons and workshops were enjoyed by all and his influence of Kata excellence was evident in his teachings. We will miss you and a safe return to your homeland. We look forward to your quick return.

Oss-Shihan Varon

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The "Little Dojo That Can" is alive and well in LI

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

50th Anniversary -Kawanabe Karate Do-June 2007