Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Lenchus Legend Karate

Lenchus and Varon at Action Martial Arts Hall of Fame 2006
Tropicana Hotel-Atlantic City, New Jersey

Among the celebrities on the dais, the "REAL" Stars were the audience.
Grandmasters, Pioneers, Founders, and teachers of many styles and systems sat in support of the unity this event brought as well as applauding the newcomers who worked so hard to receive recognition by their peers and dignitaries

Thank God there were no 12 year old 10th Dans or ego-maniacs, although everyone there does have an ego including myself. The "stars" are too long to list and "What have they done recently?" always comes up but what is evident is the "Power" of the room.
By this I mean the power as a unit to purchase equipment, weapons, uniforms, as well as Hotel Rooms, Travel expenses, etc.
The power to change a world of crime into one of mostly compatability when the young "turks" and "Gangstas" worship "Power".

Martial Artist CAN re-educate gangs so that Might does not make right, but RIGHT makes Might.

There were over one thousand people there.
It would have been awesome if there were one thousand postcards stamped and addressed to a Service man or woman serving our country in Iraq saying
"Thank You" and "We have you in our prayers"

Together we can do so much.
We can build new frontiers, educate the poor and the masses, feed and clothe the hungry and homeless...because WE have the Power and it is payback time.

GrandMaster RickLenchus -Founder of The Legend


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