Monday, January 16, 2006

Gichin Funakoshi Fan-1922

In December-2004, Kenjiro Kawanabe sent me a gift- the fan you see displayed in the foto.

This fan is a reproduction of the original fan and poem written on board a sailing ship by Gichin Funakoshi in 1922 as he left Okinawa to come to Japan.

The writings have been confirmed by the noted writer and historian-Patrick McCarthy.

"In Southern China [Fujian] there is a superb skill known as Nan-Quan.
It's a pity, however, that this tradition has waned and is in fear of vanishing altogether.
For such a great cause can we nurture its resurgence expecting again to make it blossom and flourish in the spring.
Let us vow to make heaven ashamed of itelf. "


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