Martial Force On Line Interview with George Bonet
Kudos to George Bonet and his recent interview in the online magazine: Martial Force.
Here is the interview in its' original presentation. Enjoy...Shihan Varon

Presented by Shihan Eddie Morales
Online Magazine
Martialforce: When did you begin your Martial arts training and with whom?
Shihan G.Bonet: Spring of 1977 at the “House of the Legend” Shotokan Karate School in Brooklyn, under the guidance of Hanshi Bernard “Frenchy” Scarda, Shihan Carlos “Ram” Varon, Shihan Carmel “Babe” Sorrento and later on the Founder of the Legend Grand Master Rick Lenchus.

I continued training within their organization, and later met and trained with Hanshi George Bradley, and Shuzeki Shihan Eddie Morales of the Divine Strength Goju-Ryu Academy of Martial Science Shuryoku kai kan of which I currently Head the NY Region as the senior.
Along the way I met many Grand Masters who through patience and guidance continued to train me and allow me into their families. Their names are Prof. Frank “Pop” Edwards Sr., and Prof. Frank “Cowboy” Edwards Jr. –Bronxdale Vee-Jitsu, Prof. Danny Torres- DanTor-Ryu, Prof. Ruben Torres, Shihan Joseph Craig (My Senior Brother and Friend), Shihan Anthony Marquez, Master Clay Allison, Chief Grand Master Rico Guy, Great Grand Master Aaron Banks, and the late and great Professor F. Visatacion, whom I was very fond of.
The one that made it possible for me to meet and train with the names above is my true friend and mentor that has trained and allowed me into his family Professor Jose Velez, of the Jukido-Kai Ryu School of Modern Vee Jitsu and Karate-Do. Prof. Velez has had a profound influence in my martial and personal life. I am forever in his debt and he is always close in my heart, along with Shuzeki Shihan Eddie Morales—Thank you both for instilling in me this Budo spirit that continually improves who I am.
Martialforce: Are you currently training and teaching?
Shihan G.Bonet: I continue to train with Professor Jose Velez and his senior group, Shihan Frank Grajales in NY, Kyoshi Torey Overstreet when in Texas.
Since moving back to NY from PA. , I have been teaching at the Local Community Center, and offering classes to the Boy Scouts of America, UCP, and local Law Enforcement Agencies, and Emergency Response Teams, on basic self defense, and rendering first aid.
Martialforce: What motivates you to continue your training?
Shihan G.Bonet: You can never stop training; this is what martial arts are all about. Mastering and merging the Mind, Body, Spirit, It’s a way of life.
I continue to train on my basics, which are the foundation. I continue to look to my students as my teachers in the sense that you learn from every experience.
Every day brings a new experience, and another reason to continue to train. I wake up every day with the “I can” make a positive difference in someone’s life” attitude and maybe save someones life.
You have one life, so it’s best to always help someone. That is what you taught me Shuzeki Shihan Eddie Morales, I thank you.
Martialforce: What does your training consist of?
Shihan G.Bonet: I concentrate on the Spiritual aspects, the tradition, and the history of the ones that went through so much to leave their legacy to us. More and more books are coming about laying down the true history and development. The Internet has made an impact on the martial arts with easy access to the past history.
Aside from that, keep true to the basics, and always visit the mat. The mat will not lie to you. Meditate on ways to improve, and expand on your knowledge.
Martialforce: How do you feel about tournament competition?
Shihan G.Bonet: During the 80’s, I competed as a Teenager, Winning consecutive City-State, and National Championships while competing in the AAU, and some open tourney’s. Local Classics, and of course the Ying-Yee Cup.
As a child and then as a teenager, rules of engagement, respect, and Team spirit all help activate Leadership skills that come in handy as life long tools when life offers you different obstacles. Everyone should compete at one time or another, it brings you closer to the people in the arts, and you gain so much experience as a result.
For me personally I think Amateur and Open competition are a good experience. Honing your skills for a true martial arts event, leads no room for errors. In the end, it’s a way of life, and the way you choose to live is up to you.
Martialforce: Would you recommend cross training reference weights and running for the martial artist?
Shihan G.Bonet: Yes, I would recommend anything that will inspire you to train more, and get the best out of what is available to you; there are no perfect systems.
Martialforce: Were you born in New York City?
Shihan G.Bonet: Yes, I was born and grew up in Brooklyn New York
Martialforce: What are your thoughts on cross training in various styles of martial arts?
Shihan G.Bonet: You can never forget Tradition but cross training has always been a practice of martial artist around the world. It’s now a common placed practice to train in karate and in addition also practice weapons or another system.
Martialforce: What would you say are the benefits of training in Karate besides the self-defense aspect?
Shihan G.Bonet: Take away the punches, kicks, blocks and you still have great health benefits. The “Kata” or dance trains your entire body in an aerobic and anaerobic fashion.
Martialforce: What are your thought on the U.F.C. and mixed martial arts?
Shihan G.Bonet: I believe there are some limits to the brutality, especially for our youth, but as entertainment and as a sport for adults, I think it has its place.
Remember the 1970’s Chinatown Tourney’s, they were just as brutal, but private.
The UFC has promoted some excellent martial artist and the excitement surrounding the sport is phenomenal. The martial arts are a living and breathing phenomenon that will continue to evolve long after this generation. If in the end it’s good for our youth and it instills the desire to succeed in life, then let it be.
Martialforce: Who would you say influenced you the most in the beginning?
Shihan G.Bonet: I’m sure everyone says Bruce Lee and Yes, I saw the movies, and bought the posters, but to be more realistic and not taking anything away from master Bruce Lee, the person that influenced me and continues to influence me is my father. He would ask me if I wanted to take boxing, and when I finally said yes…there were no Boxing classes available, but there was a Karate class, and so those were my beginnings.
I should also give credit to Federico Dijols who is still my dojo brother, and my cousin Luis Santiago
Martialforce: Who are some of the people you've trained with?
Shihan G.Bonet: The list above should be sufficient, but to name a couple of more. Master Rachel Rivera, Prof. Barroso, Prof. David James, Ron (You know who), Ron (Shadow), Twin Dragons (GA), Mr. L. Choi., My father Justo Bonet, James Tsu, the list goes on and on. There were so many friends that I found in my journey. I thank each of them for allowing me the opportunity to know and pass through their doors.
Martialforce: So what are the main differences between the hard system's and soft systems?
Shihan G.Bonet: Well, aside from the rate of speed, every hard system has a soft movement, and every soft system will have some hard techniques. The physics are different but the mechanics will remain the same…Hard or Soft.
Martialforce: What age do you recommended beginning Martial arts?
Shihan G.Bonet: I think children are best introduced at the age of 6. By that time a child understands rules that come from someone else other than a parent, and they can also freely discuss their experience with their parents.
It’s always recommended that parents remain involved, at one level or another. Once the child starts progressing they are pretty good at knowing if this is something they will choose to do.
Martialforce: What is your view on martial arts movie actors/actresses?
Shihan G.Bonet: I think they all do their job to entertain and keep the action meter going.
To end, I owe a lifetime of thank you and deep appreciation to Shuzeki Shihan Eddie Morales for taking the time to teach, train me, and instill the Warrior Ways deep in my being.
I bow to you…
Here is the interview in its' original presentation. Enjoy...Shihan Varon

Presented by Shihan Eddie Morales
Online Magazine
Martialforce: When did you begin your Martial arts training and with whom?
Shihan G.Bonet: Spring of 1977 at the “House of the Legend” Shotokan Karate School in Brooklyn, under the guidance of Hanshi Bernard “Frenchy” Scarda, Shihan Carlos “Ram” Varon, Shihan Carmel “Babe” Sorrento and later on the Founder of the Legend Grand Master Rick Lenchus.

I continued training within their organization, and later met and trained with Hanshi George Bradley, and Shuzeki Shihan Eddie Morales of the Divine Strength Goju-Ryu Academy of Martial Science Shuryoku kai kan of which I currently Head the NY Region as the senior.
Along the way I met many Grand Masters who through patience and guidance continued to train me and allow me into their families. Their names are Prof. Frank “Pop” Edwards Sr., and Prof. Frank “Cowboy” Edwards Jr. –Bronxdale Vee-Jitsu, Prof. Danny Torres- DanTor-Ryu, Prof. Ruben Torres, Shihan Joseph Craig (My Senior Brother and Friend), Shihan Anthony Marquez, Master Clay Allison, Chief Grand Master Rico Guy, Great Grand Master Aaron Banks, and the late and great Professor F. Visatacion, whom I was very fond of.
The one that made it possible for me to meet and train with the names above is my true friend and mentor that has trained and allowed me into his family Professor Jose Velez, of the Jukido-Kai Ryu School of Modern Vee Jitsu and Karate-Do. Prof. Velez has had a profound influence in my martial and personal life. I am forever in his debt and he is always close in my heart, along with Shuzeki Shihan Eddie Morales—Thank you both for instilling in me this Budo spirit that continually improves who I am.
Martialforce: Are you currently training and teaching?
Shihan G.Bonet: I continue to train with Professor Jose Velez and his senior group, Shihan Frank Grajales in NY, Kyoshi Torey Overstreet when in Texas.
Since moving back to NY from PA. , I have been teaching at the Local Community Center, and offering classes to the Boy Scouts of America, UCP, and local Law Enforcement Agencies, and Emergency Response Teams, on basic self defense, and rendering first aid.
Martialforce: What motivates you to continue your training?
Shihan G.Bonet: You can never stop training; this is what martial arts are all about. Mastering and merging the Mind, Body, Spirit, It’s a way of life.
I continue to train on my basics, which are the foundation. I continue to look to my students as my teachers in the sense that you learn from every experience.
Every day brings a new experience, and another reason to continue to train. I wake up every day with the “I can” make a positive difference in someone’s life” attitude and maybe save someones life.
You have one life, so it’s best to always help someone. That is what you taught me Shuzeki Shihan Eddie Morales, I thank you.
Martialforce: What does your training consist of?
Shihan G.Bonet: I concentrate on the Spiritual aspects, the tradition, and the history of the ones that went through so much to leave their legacy to us. More and more books are coming about laying down the true history and development. The Internet has made an impact on the martial arts with easy access to the past history.
Aside from that, keep true to the basics, and always visit the mat. The mat will not lie to you. Meditate on ways to improve, and expand on your knowledge.
Martialforce: How do you feel about tournament competition?
Shihan G.Bonet: During the 80’s, I competed as a Teenager, Winning consecutive City-State, and National Championships while competing in the AAU, and some open tourney’s. Local Classics, and of course the Ying-Yee Cup.
As a child and then as a teenager, rules of engagement, respect, and Team spirit all help activate Leadership skills that come in handy as life long tools when life offers you different obstacles. Everyone should compete at one time or another, it brings you closer to the people in the arts, and you gain so much experience as a result.
For me personally I think Amateur and Open competition are a good experience. Honing your skills for a true martial arts event, leads no room for errors. In the end, it’s a way of life, and the way you choose to live is up to you.
Martialforce: Would you recommend cross training reference weights and running for the martial artist?
Shihan G.Bonet: Yes, I would recommend anything that will inspire you to train more, and get the best out of what is available to you; there are no perfect systems.
Martialforce: Were you born in New York City?
Shihan G.Bonet: Yes, I was born and grew up in Brooklyn New York
Martialforce: What are your thoughts on cross training in various styles of martial arts?
Shihan G.Bonet: You can never forget Tradition but cross training has always been a practice of martial artist around the world. It’s now a common placed practice to train in karate and in addition also practice weapons or another system.
Martialforce: What would you say are the benefits of training in Karate besides the self-defense aspect?
Shihan G.Bonet: Take away the punches, kicks, blocks and you still have great health benefits. The “Kata” or dance trains your entire body in an aerobic and anaerobic fashion.
Martialforce: What are your thought on the U.F.C. and mixed martial arts?
Shihan G.Bonet: I believe there are some limits to the brutality, especially for our youth, but as entertainment and as a sport for adults, I think it has its place.
Remember the 1970’s Chinatown Tourney’s, they were just as brutal, but private.
The UFC has promoted some excellent martial artist and the excitement surrounding the sport is phenomenal. The martial arts are a living and breathing phenomenon that will continue to evolve long after this generation. If in the end it’s good for our youth and it instills the desire to succeed in life, then let it be.
Martialforce: Who would you say influenced you the most in the beginning?
Shihan G.Bonet: I’m sure everyone says Bruce Lee and Yes, I saw the movies, and bought the posters, but to be more realistic and not taking anything away from master Bruce Lee, the person that influenced me and continues to influence me is my father. He would ask me if I wanted to take boxing, and when I finally said yes…there were no Boxing classes available, but there was a Karate class, and so those were my beginnings.
I should also give credit to Federico Dijols who is still my dojo brother, and my cousin Luis Santiago
Martialforce: Who are some of the people you've trained with?
Shihan G.Bonet: The list above should be sufficient, but to name a couple of more. Master Rachel Rivera, Prof. Barroso, Prof. David James, Ron (You know who), Ron (Shadow), Twin Dragons (GA), Mr. L. Choi., My father Justo Bonet, James Tsu, the list goes on and on. There were so many friends that I found in my journey. I thank each of them for allowing me the opportunity to know and pass through their doors.
Martialforce: So what are the main differences between the hard system's and soft systems?
Shihan G.Bonet: Well, aside from the rate of speed, every hard system has a soft movement, and every soft system will have some hard techniques. The physics are different but the mechanics will remain the same…Hard or Soft.
Martialforce: What age do you recommended beginning Martial arts?
Shihan G.Bonet: I think children are best introduced at the age of 6. By that time a child understands rules that come from someone else other than a parent, and they can also freely discuss their experience with their parents.
It’s always recommended that parents remain involved, at one level or another. Once the child starts progressing they are pretty good at knowing if this is something they will choose to do.
Martialforce: What is your view on martial arts movie actors/actresses?
Shihan G.Bonet: I think they all do their job to entertain and keep the action meter going.
To end, I owe a lifetime of thank you and deep appreciation to Shuzeki Shihan Eddie Morales for taking the time to teach, train me, and instill the Warrior Ways deep in my being.
I bow to you…