WITHOUT YOU...There is no Legend
We need your contributions to enlighten our readers (Friends and Students) as to the History of our Art, and those who made it their lives and passion.
We want you to send pictures, stories, or anything you may find interesting on any of the arts in order to expand all our knowledge of who we are, and where we came from.
Send in something about yourselves, and pictures of you in your everyday work clothes..
Doctor, Police Officer, FireFighter, Contractor, Salvation Army, US Marine,Teacher, Truck Driver Chef.. etc.etc. whatever, even student on the track team or football team or chess team or that you enjoy dance or art...
You get the picture...now send it via e-mail to us at:
Lenchus_legend@yahoo.com or Roadking1989@yahoo.com

Republican Convention: Dawn Sorrento-NYPD's finest (Brooklyn Legend)

Republican Convention: Keeping our city safe.

9/11/01: All gave some, some gave all. Never forget!
Emergency Disaster Manager-helping those who can't help themselves.
(Carlos Varon-Manhattan Legend (Chibeca Dojo)

Republican National Convention: Doris Koch Bush (President Bush's sister)
We want you to send pictures, stories, or anything you may find interesting on any of the arts in order to expand all our knowledge of who we are, and where we came from.
Send in something about yourselves, and pictures of you in your everyday work clothes..
Doctor, Police Officer, FireFighter, Contractor, Salvation Army, US Marine,Teacher, Truck Driver Chef.. etc.etc. whatever, even student on the track team or football team or chess team or that you enjoy dance or art...
You get the picture...now send it via e-mail to us at:
Lenchus_legend@yahoo.com or Roadking1989@yahoo.com

Republican Convention: Dawn Sorrento-NYPD's finest (Brooklyn Legend)

Republican Convention: Keeping our city safe.

9/11/01: All gave some, some gave all. Never forget!
Emergency Disaster Manager-helping those who can't help themselves.
(Carlos Varon-Manhattan Legend (Chibeca Dojo)

Republican National Convention: Doris Koch Bush (President Bush's sister)